Would you like to write for Voters Speak?
The Rowan County Democratic Party wants to reach more residents in Rowan through a weekly opinion forum that emphasizes our shared values and supports other efforts to generate more informed…
1504 W Innes St., Salisbury, NC| Mon. to Fri. 1:30 – 4:30pm, Sat. 10:00 – 3:00pm
The Rowan County Democratic Party wants to reach more residents in Rowan through a weekly opinion forum that emphasizes our shared values and supports other efforts to generate more informed…
Salisbury business owner, Alissa Redmond, describes a disconnect for small business owners trying to obtain funding through the publicized Salisbury City Council commitment and partnership with KIVA. I watched council…
Salisbury City Council has recently pushed the pause button on the KIVA loan program they committed to in 2021, even after substantial investment in the program. Pete Prunkl, a local…
Many thanks to Pat Bullard for her response to misleading information and assumptions that all is well with voting rights in the United States. Ada Fisher in a column published…
Speaking truth to power fosters positive change in our community, state, and nation. Pat Bullard’s letter speaks to the Leandro case and the General Assembly’s continuing delay to fund public…
Rowan resident Walter Hart, Eric Houck, and Jim Watson respond to an opinion column from the Salisbury Post with their expertise and focus on school finance . (2/13/22, NC school…
"A healthy democracy needs to have contested elections," Keith Townsend, 2020 candidate for NC House Friends, We need to make sure that no office goes unchallenged, especially those seats on…
Is it possible for Rowan County to escape some of the national outrage surrounding education? Recent news about what makes people “uncomfortable’’ and how they react leads me to…
Keith reminds us that we need to be aware of our current representatives' state and national actions as well as their NC legislative votes. On Nov. 23, 186 Republican legislators…
In response to a Jan. 30 letter by Don Pruitt (“Democrats know what’s coming in 2022 elections”), you were misinformed on three points in your letter. First, only God knows…