Tracy Furman, State President of Business & Professional Women/NC’s – “Those that want to control what women can do with their bodies, where they work and what jobs they can hold are working hard to divide and conquer. We have to stay vigilant.” From a recent BPW/NC newsletter.

As I’m watching the reaction to the Super Bowl and the significant others that attended, I really worry about the state of women. 

When I entered the workforce in the 1980’s I was shocked as women around me worked harder to tear each other down and step on each other than actual work. I vowed I would never do such a thing. It was hard. Too many times women had comments about other’s clothes or judgement on their life choices. It’s easy to get swooped up in the bashing. It takes practice to stay out of it.

It’s no different today. Just tonight I read a long explanation of how Taylor Swift is not a role model. I don’t think she ever tried to be. I think she likes to write songs and perform them. I think she likes to help people. Do I love her music? – some of it – but that does not mean I want her to stop registering entire stadiums to vote or use her large bank account to lift her staff up and donate to great causes. Do I care that she was at the Super Bowl? Not really. If anything, I felt bad knowing the pressure both of them felt knowing all eyes were on them.

Those that want to control what women can do with their bodies, where they work and what jobs they can hold are working hard to divide and conquer. We have to stay vigilant. Our voting rights are already under fire, women’s health is on the ballot this year and it would not be a far stretch to begin to reduce our rights to what colleges we can attend, and what work we want to do, reducing childcare options and making it harder to work outside of the home.

The only way to get this to stop is to elect people who will support women and families. This is important not only for our Governor but every council of state, NC House, NC Senate and the judiciary. Know who is running for District Judge in your area. Do your homework on who is running for council of state positions. The devil is in the details and this year the details matter. From President to Soil and Water Commissioner, every vote counts.

Business and Professional Women/NC is here to support women in every step of your life. From college scholarships to celebrating your long life. We are all in sisterhood to make our lives better and keep the choices we have every right to have.

Take time to read up on your candidates and take part in getting them elected. Every campaign needs volunteers and support. Do what you can to support candidates that will ensure good health care for all women, ensure better childcare allowing us to work ,and more support for our schools and teachers. We have a lot of work to do over the next 10 months. Keep reading for more ways to plug in, lean in and get involved.

Tracy Furman

Business and Professional Women/NC, Mission Statement – “To provide personal and professional growth opportunities and to promote equity for North Carolina women in the workplace.”