Voters Speak and the Rowan County Democratic Party supports our nonpartisan community member, Salisbury-Rowan NAACP, in their local response to the recent action by the Supreme Court on affirmative action.

President Black’s recent letter to members and supporters. 

Greetings Salisbury-Rowan NAACP Members and Supporters,

Yesterday, we witnessed the Supreme Court of the United States’ decision to strike down affirmative action in higher education. I strongly disagree with the SCOTUS decision.

This major setback has propelled our Branch to move forward in a strategic way to ensure we are working together to hold colleges and employers accountable for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the absence of affirmative action.

We are urging our members and supporters to join us in calling on colleges and corporations in Rowan County to commit to diversity, no matter what.

Join our call to action for Catawba College, Hood Theological Seminary, Livingstone College, and Rowan-Cabarrus Community College to uphold their commitment to ensuring student bodies of diverse backgrounds and lived experiences are represented.

Our local college Presidents’ email addresses:

President David Nelson, Catawba College: [email protected]

President Vergel Lattimore, Hood Theological Seminary: [email protected]

President Anthony Davis, Livingstone College: [email protected]

President Carol Spalding, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College: [email protected]

Affirmative action fuels diversity. Our colleges are stronger when we are diverse. Our businesses thrive more when we are diverse. Rowan County excels when we have prepared leaders that look like a diverse, talented reflection of our community.

You can continue the commitment to diversity no matter what by signing the National pledge at

Yours in Justice,

Gemale A. Black

Salisbury-Rowan NAACP President