In North Carolina, the statewide general election is Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. This election is also known as the “midterm” as it is held two years (mid-way) after a presidential election. This is an important election.
To view your own Sample Ballot with all the races, you may enter your information into the Voter Search and navigate to “Your Sample Ballot.”
Sample ballots are available now and are based upon your specific location and registration information.
Races on the ballot in Rowan County will include:
- One U.S. Senate seat
- One U.S. House seat
- NC Supreme Court Justice (you will vote for two seats)
- NC Court of Appeals Judge (you will vote for four seats)
- NC House Seat
- NC Senate Seat
- County Commission (you will vote for three seats)
- Superior Court Judge
- District Court Judge (you will vote for four seats)
- District Attorney
- County Commission (three seats)
- Clerk of Superior Court
- Register of Deeds
- Sheriff
- Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor
- Rowan- Salisbury Schools Board of Education (you will vote for one candidate for each of the five district seats)*
*Residents of the City of Kannapolis do not vote for RSS Board of Education Members
LEARN ABOUT THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES ON YOUR BALLOT (not all offices have Democrats running)
You can learn more about the Democratic Candidates for office on our Candidate Page or by visiting their websites.
U.S. Senate: Cheri Beasley https://cheribeasley.com/
U.S. House NC-8: Scott Huffman https://www.scotthuffman.com/
NC Supreme Court Justice (two seats)
Lucy Inman https://www.lucyinmanforjustice.com/
Sam Ervin IV https://www.ervinforjustice.org/
NC Court of Appeals Judge (four seats)
Carolyn Jennings Thompson https://carolynthompsonforjudge.com/
Brad Salmon https://www.judgebradsalmon.com/
Gale Murray Adams https://judgegaleadams.com/
Darren Jackson https://www.judgedarrenjackson.com/
NC Senate District 33
Tangela (Lucy Horne) Morgan http://www.tangelamorgan4senate.com/
County Commission (three seats)
Alisha Byrd-Clark https://www.facebook.com/committeetoelectalishabyrd
Sam Post https://post4rowan.com/
Carlton Killian http://killianforsheriff.com/
Rowan-Salisbury School Board of Education: (The following school board candidates are endorsed by the Rowan County Democratic Party)
Ruth Marohn https://www.ruthmarohn.com/
Ebony Rivers Boyd https://www.facebook.com/ElectEbonyRiversBoyd/
Sabrina Harris https://www.facebook.com/ElectSabrinaHarris
W. Jean Kennedy