Two Monday Events, 9/18: St. Luke’s Episcopal & Soldiers Memorial AME Zion Churches and Salisbury-Rowan NAACP – COMMUNITY
St. Luke's Episcopal & Soldiers Memorial AME Zion Churches unite to present "Police - Our Community Partners in Issues of Justice" while the Salisbury-Rowan NAACP invites the community to attend…
Joe Fowler: NC Republicans Trying to Pass Election Corruption Bills
"I do not usually speak in 'always' and 'never' terms, but these election bills when added together, will result in the loss of our freedom to vote." Joe Fowler points…
Kathy Vestal: Never Forget
September 11 dredges up many memories throughout our country. Kathy Vestal ties this sober event to even more sobering realities that exist today, possibly with folks you may know. September…
Richard Nash Creel: What is Really Needed?
"Saying one thing and doing another is no novelty, but it certainly seems the case in education." Regarding school funding, Unhappy Birthday, Leandro by Nan Lund and Pam Bloom, raises…
Elim Craighill-Middleton: NC’s New ‘Slate of Hate’
RCDP Third Vice Chair, Elim Craighill-Middleton's opinion for Cardinal & Pine covers what is rapidly becoming known as the "Slate of Hate" from the Republican majority in Raleigh and discusses…
We’re Listening: Personal Dilemmas Due to Republicans Holding the Budget Hostage for Casinos
"Lawmakers made expansion contingent on the state budget passing, which still has not occurred... Brooks would qualify for health coverage once Medicaid expansion begins. ...due to the delay in enacting…
Sept. Breakfast: “What NC Was and What We Can Be Again!” 9/9/23
Senator Rachel Hunt will speak at the next Democratic Breakfast on Saturday, September 9th, at 10:00 am at the Democratic Headquarters, 1504 West Innes Street, Salisbury. Who is working to…
Karen Puckett: Public Schools Offer Transformative Experiences
Karen Puckett - "For 20 years, we have chosen to assess our children's success or failure using only one metric, an isolated yearly measure that doesn't tell the entire story…
Mouths Dropping: Laboratories for Anti-abortion Extremism – Is NC Next?
" least 51 jurisdictions in Texas have passed ordinances to make it illegal to transport anyone on roads within city or county limits to get an abortion. Their hope is…
Action Item: Stop the Total Elections Takeover in NC
Senate Bill 749 is a blatant power grab by partisan legislators, a bill that would make harmful changes to elections administration and jeopardize basic voting options in NC. Make the…