Roger Barbee: Boguslaw Wos and Bogdan Ciupek
Roger Barbee, “Say their names. Two workers caught in something so much larger than themselves, but we can at least say their names.” Boguslaw Wos, the 62-year-old foreman of a…
Carol Pomeroy: Wake Up
Raise your voice. From Carol Pomeroy, “If this isn’t a wake-up call that the minimum wage needs to be raised, then I don’t know what is.” People in the middle…
Roger Barbee: Beowulf Mistreated
Roger Barbee, “These events show what can happen when we allow government to get involved in issues of culture. These are the types of results we can expect.” The great…
Young Democrats of Rowan-Cabarrus: Statements of Celebration and Gratitude
Young Democrats of Rowan-Cabarrus worked tirelessly during the 2022 election. RCDP greatly appreciates the difference they made and the fresh ideas they bring as we build a better NC. To…
Linda Voelker and Pam Bloom: November Breakfast Synopsis, Guest Speaker, Anthony Smith
What you missed at the breakfast and an opportunity to hear Anthony Smith’s message at: Local Democrats and friends met Saturday, Nov. 12th at Rowan County Democratic Party (RCDP)…
Pat Safrit Bullard: You Can Do It!
Pat Bullard, “Organize to tackle these issues and try to oust Republicans from state control in the future. You can do it, I know you can.” I am heartbroken for…
Roger Barbee: Cotton Candy or Character
Roger Barbee, “Yet we choose the easy at our peril and if we do not right ourselves, we will become a floundering ship without a rudder.” Recently in Sanford, NC…
Gerald Moose: All Our Might
All our Might, poem by Gerald Moose I will accomplish things with all my might leaders step forth the things they will do day and night with all their might…
Dianne Sartiano: Nora El-Khouri, Local CNN Hero
From CNN, “Nora El-Khouri Spencer and her nonprofit, Hope Renovations, train women in North Carolina for well-paying careers in construction while also providing free modifications that enable seniors to age…
Pam Bloom and Beth Foreman: Thank you, Poll Greeters!
“Poll Greeters - YOU are part of the light in Rowan County.” Thank you, Pam & Beth "...For there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it.…