RCDP: It’s Precinct Gathering Time!
RCDP - “Come join with your friends and neighbors as we get together and talk about the local problems bothering us the most, and what we can do together to…
Evelyn Uddin-Khan: Now, Which Flag did My Sons Defend?
Evelyn Uddin-Khan - “At the present time, when our country is so divided by politics, race and religion, do we need, can we afford another division based on which flag…
Carol Pomeroy: What the Confederate Flag Really Represents
Carol Pomeroy - “As it stands now Faith is not seen as a welcoming town for all people. That can change.” The Confederate flag represents the pseudo-history of the Lost…
Next breakfast: Dr. Kelly Withers, Superintendent
You're cordially invited to join fellow Democrats at the Rowan County Democratic Headquarters for our March 11th Breakfast at 10 am. Our special guest speaker this month is Dr. Kelly…
Dr. Anthony Davis, President, Livingstone College
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D-KH6ci-GY The video here contains an inspiring speech delivered by Dr. Anthony Smith, the 13th President of Livingstone College. In this speech, Dr. Smith talks about the challenges faced by the…
Roger Barbee: Credentials
A recently published letter to the editor in the local paper, "Stein not the best choice for governor," https://www.salisburypost.com/2023/01/26/letters-to-the-editor-jan-26/, suggested that state of birth and college choice is indicative of an…
RCDP Chair Geoffrey Hoy: News & Notes
Reminders and information you may have missed that concern Rowan County Democrats and small “d” values in Rowan County. New State Dem Leadership - Last Saturday delegates from all over…
Linda Voelker: What You Missed at Breakfast
Linda Voelker provides a glimpse of February’s breakfast. The monthly RCDP breakfasts provide great speakers and information as well as fellowship with neighbors with similar small “d” values. Mark your…
Roger Barbee: Pastor Stevens and the Florida Citizens Alliance
Roger Barbee - I was surprised to read that a large Florida school district, Duval County Public Schools, removed a child’s biography of Clemente in order to determine if it…
RCDP: Do You Want to Make Real & Positive Difference in Your Community?
Knowledge is a good thing for making “good trouble.” Consider attending your local town meetings to learn more about local governance. 2023 is a year of municipal elections and we…