Thankful: Medicaid Expansion Provides Health Care for More North Carolinians
After waiting years, Medicaid Expansion has happened in NC and is possible because of people like Penny. She was brave enough to get out and tell her story, and because…
We’re Listening: All There Is – Facing Our Grief
The holiday season isn't always joyful if grief overcomes you. Anderson Cooper's podcast, All There Is, brings this issue forward. This 12/6/23 episode talks about loss with President Biden and…
We’re Reading: We Don’t Elect People to Grandstand
From Gwen Frisbie-Fulton - "We don't elect people to grandstand; we elect them to pass policy to make our lives better." Excerpts from the article: "... by my mid-20s, I…
Beth Foreman: Change, the Yin and the Yang
"As we all attempt to navigate the variations brought by housing, land development, life choices, and what can feel like relentless change, let's remember for every opinion expressed there is…
Don’t Miss: Former Post Editor Reflects on Dark Chapter of NC History
Several Salisbury residents recently attended the 125th anniversary of the Wilmington coup d'etat carried out by white supremacists that occurred on November 10, 1898. Elizabeth Cook gives an inside look…
November Breakfast Video: Candidate Ben Clark
Don't forget to check out the Rowan County Democratic Party YouTube channel for speakers you missed hearing. Ben Clark, candidate for NC Lieutenant Governor gave an interesting and informative talk…
Reminder: Place Your Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests
As of November 20, 2023, residential households in the U.S. are eligible for another order of #4 free at-home tests from Here's what you need to know about your order:…
2023 Question: How are You Helping to Save Democracy?
Heather Cox Richardson's words sum it up, " is you who are helping to model what we so desperately need in America." We must all do something as 2023 ends…
Mark Your Calendar: December Democratic Breakfast – Saturday, 12/9/23
Don't miss hearing from Dr. Sarah Taber, candidate for NC Commissioner of Agriculture, and obtaining answers to your questions at the 12/9/23 Democratic monthly breakfast. End the year at the…
We’re Watching: Women Caught in Reality of Texas Legislation Limiting Healthcare
“We literally walked into our worst nightmare,” Kimberly Manzano, 34. A devout Christian and previously anti-abortion, Manzano shares her story as one of 22 women heading to the Texas Supreme…