RCDP – Democracy vs Fascism; Experts vs. extremists; Chaos vs. Common Sense.
This is what we get in Rowan County if we don’t vote. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1swXxzo0w5IOo5cuMWq71hLgR3sqFAZnS/view?usp=drivesdk Turn up your volume and remember what it can be like. The 2022 election could be your…
Alan Menius: Vote to Protect Our Fundamental Rights
Alan Menius, “...This year we must step up to protect our fundamental rights, specifically, our constitutional right to vote. The GOP is systematically undermining voting rights and trust in our…
Geoffrey Hoy: Dangers to Democracy
"The first and most basic issue on the ballot this election is Democracy. The idea that the candidate with the most votes wins. ...I urge all readers of this column…
Pete Prunkl: A Short Memory on Taking Back the Country
Pete Prunkl, “We the people returned normalcy and decency to the presidency… To keep the America we took back in 2020, vote for Democrats this fall.” Ronnie Smith has a…
Roger Barbee: Not all Lies are Equal
Roger Barbee, "But it seems that President Trump, in the words of his past lawyer, “Lies like most people breathe.” And not all of his lies are equal. For instance,…
Evelyn Uddin-Khan: Our Democracy and Its Unsolvable Social Issues
American democracy is losing the battle against social issues. Anyone who can take a critical look and analyze the news that dominates our air waves and newspapers will realize that…
Meet Cheri Beasley at the Polls
Rowan County's votes make a difference, and Cheri Beasley will be giving Rowan Democrats a nudge on Friday. If you’ve already voted, you can still attend, meet Cheri Beasley, and…
Robert Johnsen: Vote for Ruth Marohn for School Board
Robert Johnsen: “She [Ruth] knows the needs of students, she hears the concerns of parents, and she has the perspective of a career teacher.” As a teacher of American government,…
Roger Barbee: Moms for Liberty – Whose Liberty?!!!
Roger Barbee on Moms for Liberty, “This pledge and its group is redundant. Everything stated in the pledge already exists in our Republic on every level of government.” When I…
Pat Safrit Bullard: Extreme Elements Still at Work
Pat Safrit Bullard, “All NC Republicans in Congress voted to dismantle democracy when they voted not to certify the free and fair election of 2020, including Ted Budd…” In the…