Video November breakfast with Anthony Smith
Thank you, poll greeters
Poll Greeters - YOU are part of the light in Rowan County. More than 75 volunteers handed out slate cards during Early Voting and on Election Day; many of you…
It’s election day. Is there somebody you need to call?
Young people tend to be progressive, but sometimes they need a bit of prompting to vote. They're busy. Sometime they don't schedule their time in order to make voting happen.…
Please Volunteer. It’s now or, maybe never.
Yes, YOU! Do More than Vote - Volunteer! If it feels like everything is at stake - IT IS! Help rescue our democratic republic from the far right MAGA chaos.…
RCDP: Where Do I Vote on Election Day?
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8th from 6:30 am - 7:30 pm. If you still need to vote, you must vote at your designated precinct on Election Day. Confirm your…
George El-Khouri: Your Income, Your Vote!
George El-Khoure, “Are you ready for this new Republican Party of chaos and extremism to change whether or not you receive the money you have paid into your entire working…
Evelyn Uddin-Khan, America: Leader of The Free World
Evelyn Uddin-Khan, “Our midterm election this November is going to be a historic turning point for democracy in this country. It will point us one way or the other. This…
Michael Stringer: Let’s Try Gleaning
Michael Stringer, "It is not a lack of resources but a lack of political will expressed through public policy that prevents the United States from providing for the poor, the…
Pat Safrit Bullard: Supreme Court Works Against Freedom
Pat Safrit Bullard: ‘Last year we watched SCOTUS overturn the Roe decision, allow public money to support religious schools, overturn EPA structure for clean water, and weaken a state’s gun…
Roger Barbee – In Vain
Roger Barbee, “…we cannot cast a vote for a person who tells lie after lie. Becoming a Christ follower means that we must actively refute any combining of our religion…