Saturday Breakfast – June 10th at 10:00 am – Special speaker, Alderwoman Pat Sledge.
Come prepared with your questions and be open to considering whether you might want to run for a local town council yourself! This event could be your first step into…
What We’re Watching: Judge Allison Riggs for NC Court of Appeals
Hear more from the recently appointed Court of Appeals Judge Allison Riggs at the 2023 Rowan Democrats' Annual Convention: Judge Riggs was recently appointed by Governor Cooper to the…
Action Item: Attend the County Commissioners Meeting on 6/19/23 at 6:00 pm
View the budget now and see how the County Manager proposes to spend our tax dollars. Attend the meeting and speak about those things that are important to you or…
Evelyn Uddin-Khan: Politics and the Law do not Mix
"When judges make rulings based on their religious and political beliefs, justice is not served, and it is time for changes." We have a unique way of choosing some of…
Carol Pomeroy: Another Open Letter to the Sponsors of the Faith Fourth
"It is not about the SCV or its organization and accomplishments. That is just a diversion from the real issue at hand. It is about the removal of the Confederate…
Pat Sledge: Lawmakers Should Keep Public Education at Forefront
"Remind our state legislators they take an oath to uphold the state constitution. That includes providing for free public schools and maintaining the educational standard." Gov. Roy Cooper recently declared…
Voters Speak: What We’re Watching 10 minutes to learn a basic history of education within the NC Constitution & the current status of education priorities in our NC General Assembly.
Kenneth Stutts: Be ID Ready to Vote in this Year’s Election
With the recent NC Supreme Court decision, voters will be asked to show photo ID when casting their ballot in North Carolina, starting with this year’s 2023 local town and…
Local Action: Nonpartisan efforts for a better NC: Saturday, June 3rd, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Women for Community Justice, along with the Salisbury-Rowan NAACP, Salisbury Indivisible and Rowan Concerned Citizens, will hold a public event June 3 in Salisbury to call for an end to…
Eileen Hanson-Kelly: Public Education Would Suffer Under GOP-Led Bills
"The Republican-led N.C. Legislature seems determined not just to undermine our public schools, but to destroy them... Yet the Legislature refuses to release the funding necessary to provide a “sound,…