Keith Townsend: Keep Church and State Separated
It is clear how far modern American politics has wandered from our founders’ absolute defense of an individual’s freedom to believe as they choose. This freedom has been one of…
Kim Porter: The Struggle
So, why do I continue to support those who raise the conscious level of injustices? Because it is the inner struggle of my value system that nudges me to that…
Community Event: All Souls to the Polls, Sunday, 10/20
Join a Community Event, All Souls to the Polls, on Sunday, October 20th. Meet at First Calvary, 400 S. Long Street, Salisbury, at 1:00 pm. Ride to the polls on…
Community Event: Vote Fest – October 19th, 12-3 pm
Vote Fest 2024 – 722 W. Horah St. Salisbury (Family, Fun, Food Trucks, Music, 360 Booth – Festival with a Purpose – the Power of Voting)
Mary James: Vote “against” Partisan School Board Elections Referendum
I am weary of partisan politics. My fervent hope is that voters of any political stripe will reject this unnecessary, divisive and counter-productive attempt to divert our attention from focusing…
Eric Hake: “You’re Fired!”
Trump’s solution is not new. Even his campaign slogan is recycled. As such, we have been traveling down this road for some time. It has led us to the mouth…
Melanie Miller: Repeal the ACA? You might want to reconsider that!
The ACA has made health insurance and healthcare services more affordable for millions of people. This has made the population healthier overall. It is critical to continue the ACA so…
Harris/Walz Signs Have Arrived
The Harris/Walaz signs have arrived. A $10 donation, please, to cover costs and keep the doors open. Get them why they last! - 10/15/24 Drop by during office hours at…
Poll Greeters: Time to Commit to a Slot
Being a POLL GREETER is one of the most important ways YOU can help elect candidates who support your values! Early Voting begins on Thursday, October 17th.Sign up today at…
Mark Your Calendars: Important October & November Dates
It's an important month for Democrats as Early Voting and Election Day approaches. Here's an extensive list of many community and RCDP events that focus on voter information and volunteer…