Nan Lund – The Importance of Early Voting
Welcome back to Rowan Dem's latest Voters Speak. Nan Lund presents a factual rebuttal to the Chair of the local Republican Party with her letter, The Importance of Early Voting. …
Beth Foreman: Opinions masquerading as truths
It seems to me that in the last few months opinions expressed in the Post have become more stridently determined to convince us, the readers, to accept opinions as fact.…
Pam Everhardt Bloom: Time to call out divisive writers
I agree with Whitney Peckman’s recent “My Turn” response, “More to Read Between the Lines.” Manufactured outrage masquerading as genuine issues is a problem in our nation, our state, and,…
Voters Speak: Dee Dee Wright
INSTEAD OF PREACHING… I am glad that someone else was offended by Renee Scheidt’s “My Turn.” Thank you, Mrs. Peckman. Let’s be honest, Ms. Scheidt’s comment about being colorblind is…
Voters Speak
“The greatest enemy of positive social change is cynicism about what can be changed." This recent quote by Robert Reich is a reminder of how democracy can die a slow…
Whitney Peckman: More to read between the lines
For a few weeks now, I have been ruminating on Renee Scheidt’s “My Turn” about racism (“Racism alive and well in Rowan”). I don’t think it was really about race.…
Rowan Dem Breakfast Saturday with Judge Lucy Inman
Come join your fellow Rowan Democrats this Saturday, January 8, for our monthly virtual breakfast! Every Second Saturday of the month we come together to talk about what's going on…
breakfast, this Saturday, with Dr. Aimy Steele, Executive Director of the New North Carolina Project
Register here for 10am breakfast, this Saturday, with Dr. Aimy Steele.Dr. Steele, our featured speaker, is a community activist, organizer, and Executive Director of the New North Carolina Project. This will be an engaging,…
Rowan County Democratic Endorsements
The Rowan County Democratic Party proudly and enthusiastically endorses and supports our fellow Democrats listed below who are running for local town and city councils here in Rowan County.
Make a Plan to Early Vote!
Early Voting for the 2021 Municipal Elections begins on Thursday, October 14th, and continues until Saturday, October 30th. The only early voting location for 2021 is at the Rowan County Board of Elections (at…