Pat Bullard – Diligence Matters
At 84, Pat Bullard, continues to use her voice for positive change. Her activism shows politicians may listen and she urges us to continue efforts to protect voting rights and…
Evelyn Uddin-Khan – America and Democracy are up for Grabs
With the invasion of Ukraine, Evelyn Uddin-Khan’s recent opinion reminds us to heed the warning signs of the past. One day in the summer of 2004 I was wandering around…
Geoffrey Hoy – Dispelling Myths about Democrats
Geoffrey Hoy had an excellent response in December to some tactics used to frighten people about the Democratic Party. May we continue to lay rest to misinformation and disinformation and…
Carol Pomeroy – A Liberal Democrat
Carol Pomeroy’s reflection on how her values are reflected in her political choices is another reminder of why it is necessary to speak out about those things we consider important. …
Evelyn Uddin-Khan – We are All Human
“How do we get the message out of the church and into the larger world — where color is the problem.” Evelyn Uddin-Khan’s recent opinion letter speaks to her honest…
Jeffrey Sharp – First Presbysterian’s Race Task Force should Continue the Good Work
Jeffrey Sharp responds to a Salisbury faith community creating opportunities for serious and important dialogues. We hope others will share their experiences about important events within our community. I’m writing…
Would you like to write for Voters Speak?
The Rowan County Democratic Party wants to reach more residents in Rowan through a weekly opinion forum that emphasizes our shared values and supports other efforts to generate more informed…
Alissa Redmond – KIVA Loan Program Disconnect
Salisbury business owner, Alissa Redmond, describes a disconnect for small business owners trying to obtain funding through the publicized Salisbury City Council commitment and partnership with KIVA. I watched council…
Pete Prunkl – Will KIVA be “Un-paused?”
Salisbury City Council has recently pushed the pause button on the KIVA loan program they committed to in 2021, even after substantial investment in the program. Pete Prunkl, a local…
Pat Bullard – The Impact of Curtailing Voters
Many thanks to Pat Bullard for her response to misleading information and assumptions that all is well with voting rights in the United States. Ada Fisher in a column published…