Whitney Peckman – Collaboration, Not Competition
Whitney Peckman reminds us that there’s no need for competition when it comes to making Salisbury safer. Salisbury Police Department is understaffed in trained mediation and de-escalation officers. Locally, Nightcrawlers…
Anthony Smith – Clarity
Salisbury Council member and Rev. Anthony Smith clarifies his personal stance for championing the Cure Violence model. Sometimes you have to give clarity around issues that may raise questions as…
Evelyn Uddin-Khan – The Legacy of the Gift from #45
Evelyn Uddin-Khan’s timely reminder - “...When one party cries foul when their candidate loses, we are no longer fair and free.” Sadly, we saw this legacy in action at this…
Pat Bullard – Write and Ask! Don’t Assume Elected Officials Won’t Listen
Many of us may hesitate to contact our elected officials. Don’t dismiss the power of our voices IF we use them. The midterm elections of 2022 are crucial and we…
Keith Townsend – Trusted Websites for Letter Ideas and Factual Information
As a retired history teacher, Keith Townsend looks carefully at any sources he uses when he begins an opinion letter. Many thanks to Keith for sharing his personal list of…
Pam Everhardt Bloom – Crime in Salisbury — A Touchy Subject and Important One
In addition to Pam Bloom’s letter in this week’s Voters Speak, don’t miss the 3/24 digest opinions that include links to both Salisbury Cease Fire information and the Cure Violence…
Susan Lee – Multiple Approaches for Addressing Violence are Needed
Susan Lee’s words to Salisbury City Council emphasize that we don’t have to look at “either/or”when we address violence. Doing things differently can be a positive practice of intention that…
Rev. Olen Brener – Let’s Begin to Plant the Seeds of Change for Our Children
Honorably retired Presbyterian Minister, Olen Bruener, invites the community to the March 26th forum “Supporting Public Education” from 1-3 pm at First Presbyterian Church, Salisbury. He reminds us that our…
Susan Lee – Public School Advocacy is Critical
Susan Lee encourages us to attend the Supporting Public Education forum on March 26th, an event that is free and open to the public. As she reminds us, “Two questions…
Evelyn Uddin-Khan – “Ragtime,” Like Watching Life in America Today
The Meroney Theatre in downtown Salisbury was the stage where this famous musical “entertained” packed houses for a few weekends. It was a great, well produced musical. Ragtime is a…