RCDP: Rowan Democrats’ Family Fun Fest.
Saturday, Aug 13th at 3 PM. Sloan Park, Morgan Shelter (keep right after entering the park), 550 Sloan Road, Mt. Ulla 28125. More online at: https://www.mobilize.us/rowandemocrats/event/485876/ In case you haven't…
Gerald Moose, Drawing a Blank
Gerald Moose, from “Drawing a Blank - we all just need to calm the ____ down…” Drawing a Blank you know we all just need to calm the ____ down…
Brent Saftit: But Hey, Freedoms!
Rowan County native and USAF veteran Brent Safrit comments - “We are already paying for everyone's Healthcare! At the least efficient and highest possible cost. This is a cleverly designed…
RCDP: Decision Made for One Stop/Early Voting
Thank you for your emails, your presence, and your concern about our democracy and the importance of accessible voting for all voters. The Rowan County Board of Elections added 1…
Evelyn Uddin-Khan: The Republicans and One Party Rule
Evelyn Uddin Khan - “Let’s begin to vote for candidates who care about health care, elder care, Pre-K and day-care for our little ones, education for all our children, housing…
Voters Speak: Updates to Earlier Action Items
Thank you for your calls, emails, and letters about matters important to our community. Here are some brief updates to earlier action items and current concerns. LOCAL Update - Rowan…
Pastor Anthony Smith: What Do We Do? How Do We Help?
Things don’t just change. It takes action. Pastor Anthony Smith provides some specific actions you can take today to help your community. What do we do? How do we help?…
Kenneth Stutts: How Do We Really Promote Police/Community Partnerships?
Kenneth Stutts on Salisbury’s National Night Out this year: In years past, the city of Salisbury has helped individual neighborhoods plan and get the word out about their own local…
Pat Safrit Bullard: Evidence Continues to Mount
There’s additional news most every day concerning new revelations about the Jan. 6th insurrection. Pat Bullard recaps recent news with additional commentary about our local paper and Republican response. The…
Roger Barbee: Choose Words Carefully
Roger Barbee: “We should seek discourse not discord. All of this is an expectation for any citizen. However, a greater expectation is hoped for from community and national leaders. Because…