Roger Barbee: Going Backward
Roger Barbee, "To think that a sitting President [Trump in 2019] would violate a Commandment three times and not be called-out for it is unfortunate… But # 45 uses the…
Jennifer Burroff-Smith: Faith Needs to Rewrite Bylaws on Who is Allowed in Parade
“I am here to speak tonight for all the people that are afraid to speak because of what the town of Faith represents. ” Jennifer Burroff-Smith at the Faith Town…
Carol Pomeroy: Responsibility and Religious Beliefs
Carol Pomeroy, “Vote for those candidates who support a livable minimum wage, health care for all, education that would provide the same resources for all children no matter what school…
ARE YOU REGISTERED? Find out BEFORE Election Day and Learn How to Register or Update Your Registration
Follow the simple directions below and verify that you are a registered voter in NC. If you haven’t voted in over 8 years in North Carolina, you may have been…
EARLY VOTING: Register and/or Vote at Any of the 3 Early Voting Sites in Rowan County during Early Voting
During early voting, voters may cast a ballot at any early voting site in their county, and voters needing to register may same-day register and vote. This is different from…
CANDIDATE INFO: View Your Sample Ballot, Know the Candidates, and Vote Both Sides of Your Ballot with Knowledge and Intent
In North Carolina, the statewide general election, also known as the “midterm,” is an important election. We must vote for all our candidates - from local races such as Sheriff,…
POLL GREETERS: Countdown to Saving Democracy – Sign Up as Poll Greeters Today!
In 2020, Cheri Beasley lost the NC Supreme Chief Justice Seat by 401 votes statewide. - In 2021, only 14 votes separated Salisbury's mayoral race. - RCDP Chair Hoy often…
Evelyn Uddin-Khan: Kansas Spoke – They Kept Abortion Legal
Evelyn Uddin-Khan - “...the women (the men, the people) of Kansas had five weeks to be heard and they were loud and clear at the polls. They voted to save…
Poll Greeters needed. You can make a difference.
Every hour we have Poll Greeters at the election polls, Democrats are closer to victory in 2022. Greeters hand out sheets (often called slate cards) that include those candidates endorsed by…
RCDP: Help Save Democracy – We Need YOU!
Every hour we have Poll Greeters at the election polls, Democrats are closer to victory. YOU can help save democracy in 2022. Too often, voters neglect voting for important judicial…