Mary Miller James: My Stunning Revelation
Mary James was stunned to learn that the validity of her 2024 vote is being questioned. She is one of 60,000 voters who have been flagged by Republican candidate Jefferson…
Kim Porter: My Childish Ways
We all live in this world of inconsistencies, from childhood to adult. I am saddened when many in leadership appear to embrace childish ways, demonstrating a lack of moral character…
Nan Lund: What Do I Know?
One of the values of a democracy is that we can express our opinions, but we should recognize that an opinion is not a fact, even if everyone we know…
Together We Rise Rally: Sunday, Jan. 5, 2025
Now is the time for action. Mark your calendars to join NCDP Chair Anderson Clayton and special guests to rise together and organize for the work ahead.
RCDP Chair Geoffrey Hoy: Hope Can Grow
Some words from the Chair as 2024 comes to an end and we approach the unknown of 2025. Hope can Grow out of experience, Possibility can Come from pain, Yes,…
Senior Democrats Meeting: Tuesday, 12/17, 1:00 pm
In a month of busy schedules, take time to gather with friends as we hear reports on the latest happenings in Raleigh and how Democrats will be reacting in 2025…
Pete Prunkl: Hello There!
In this era when Americans are polarized politically and searching for anything that shows that we are still neighbors, saying “Hello” may be a great unifier. Americans of every political…
We’re Grateful! Eileen and Ed Hanson-Kelly
Recognizing public school teachers and staff for their dedication, along with providing help to families that are struggling, were two things that motivated Salisbury residents Eileen and Ed Hanson-Kelly to…
No one is coming to save us but ourselves – 3 Actions!
If you haven't raised your voice, do it now for the people of western NC and for our still purple NC. As many voices as possible are needed to make…
Another Senate Bill, SB 920: Learn More
From the NC Budget and Tax Center: Tell your lawmaker to VOTE NO on constitutional amendments that limit our collective future! Our public schools and our child-care system are in…