1504 W Innes St., Salisbury, NC
Come join us progressives, Democrats, Unaffiliated, yes, even disaffected Republicans on Tuesday, March 18th, at 1:00 pm for a talk centered around Social Security. Let’s dispel the myths that surround a program that lifts more people above the poverty line than any other. RCDP Chair Geoffrey Hoy will lead the discussion that includes a short video and information for setting the record straight on Social Security. The meeting will be held at Rowan County Democratic Party HQ, 1504 W Innes St., Salisbury, NC.
RCDP regularly provides informative programs to foster informed citizens. Bring a friend and join the discussion or learn more at rowancountydemocrats.com. Let’s dispel the myths and learn the facts. “Social Security’s payment accuracy rate is very high — well over 99 percent — and it has many safeguards against improper payments, including rigorous protocols to stop paying benefits to people who have died.”(Center on Budget and Policy Priorities)