We’re all in this together. Peace, Geoffrey Hoy, Rowan County Democratic Party Chair
When I was nine years old, I watched our rural farmhouse burn down. I never dreamed all these years later I would watch as an unelected billionaire and his presidential buddy torch our sacred House of Democracy with no regard for our Constitution!
In the name of attacking “waste, fraud, and abuse” we are seeing an attack on experienced government workers trying to get them to retire, thus wasting years of valuable experience of making government work for people.
In the name of showing support for unions they brought a union man to speak at their convention, but have since fired members of the National Labor Relations Board (which guarantees the rights of workers) so the board can’t even meet! That fraud goes along with saying, “We’ll make America Great Again” while replacing “We the People” with “We the Rich”.
This goes right along with abusing all federal workers, trying to get them to retire or resign while hacking all their records! We voters in North Carolina are also being abused as a judge (mind you) is trying to throw out 60,000 votes because he lost an election.
In spite of all of this, I still believe in democracy, the importance of public education, economic opportunity for all, care for those in need here and around the world, government that works for people. And yes, I still believe in the future too. We planted a tree yesterday!
If you share my concerns about the present and democracy (small d) I invite you to join with Democrats and all who are feeling like leaning “Blue” this Saturday, February 8 for our monthly breakfast at 10 AM at 1504 W. Innes Street. Our speaker will be Anderson Clayton, chairperson of the State Democratic party. This is your chance to hear from local Democrats about our real issues and concerns: wages, education, public safety for all, inclusion, acceptance,
We’re all in this together. Peace, Geoffrey Hoy, Rowan County Democratic Party Chair