The ACA has made health insurance and healthcare services more affordable for millions of people. This has made the population healthier overall. It is critical to continue the ACA so that insurance companies cannot deny, impose limitations or exclusions or charge more based on age or health status. 

Dear Neighbor, 

I am the mother of a 33 year old young man who has multiple health concerns which he did not bring upon himself. My son has Marfan Syndrome, epilepsy, psoriatic arthritis and chronic gout. Marfan Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects connective tissue. It can involve the eyes, heart and blood vessels, skeleton and organ systems. The syndrome tends to worsen with age. Caring for his current and continuing health issues depends upon the benefits of the Affordable Care Act coverage.

In 2022 my son had open heart surgery to replace his aortic root and hemiarch. Three weeks later he had to have surgery where they cut off part of his sternum to drain 1 1/2 liters of fluid out of his pericardium sack. Three weeks after that he had ablation surgery because of atrial fibrillation. Currently his mitral valve is being monitored because he has moderate to severe regurgitation.

My son has chronic gout and psoriatic arthritis which cause constant pain. He has to get expensive specialty medication for the psoriatic arthritis.The chronic gout caused very large tophi on his elbows and feet. My son had to have the baby toes on both his feet amputated because the tophi were huge and dissolving his bones. Currently he is scheduled to have a right total hip replacement because of loss of blood to his hip which is causing his bone tissue to die.

My son is in constant pain. His health issues will get worse. My son has to have health insurance to take care of his medical needs. Thankfully, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has made it so health insurance companies cannot deny him coverage or require higher premiums based on his pre-existing conditions. If the ACA were to be repealed he would drown in medical debt. This would cause him to not be able to afford the healthcare he needs to live a good quality life.

The ACA has made health insurance and healthcare services more affordable for millions of people. This has made the population healthier overall. It is critical to continue the ACA so that insurance companies cannot deny, impose limitations or exclusions or charge more based on age or health status. 

The ACA helps cut healthcare costs and has dramatically reduced the uninsured rate. Millions of people have diseases, health concerns, disabilities or syndromes. Repealing the ACA would negatively impact their ability to obtain healthcare. Without the ACA they would not receive the medical services required by their health needs. The ACA is a step in providing quality healthcare for all people, but especially for those with pre-existing conditions.

Dear Neighbor” authors are united in a belief that civility and passion can coexist. We believe curiosity and conversation make us a better community.

Melanie Miller