Facts are important. The Salisbury Post recently reported fraudulent news that was directed at two local Democratic candidates, Allisa Redmond and Alisha Byrd-Clark. The AP also publishes “NOT REAL NEWS – A look at what didn’t happen this week.” Stay informed.

There is a reason we need local papers and a free press. There’s a reason we need informed citizens. We can each make a difference in 2024 by becoming more knowledgeable and quashing rumors before they circulate.

The Salisbury Post –

SALISBURY — “As the political cycle heats up, so do the attack ads, and while that may feel like a part of the process, sometimes attempts to gain an edge take on a sinister countenance. For at least the last week, Facebook users browsing the site for local stories have possibly come across a page called Redmond4Rowan, which presented itself as a campaign page for Alissa Redmond, a Democratic candidate for the Rowan County Board of Commissioners. There’s just one problem — it was not Redmond.”

A look at what didn’t happen this week. The Associated Press investigates some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week, and lays out the facts.

Don’t forget about this trustworthy Associated Press feature. It’s easy to google and provides real facts by calling out the fake news that circulates so easily on social media and then gets repeated again and again.


Like it or note, not all news is equal. Don’t hesitate to double check with a reputable source.