Healthcare is too often overlooked in an election over more hot button items.“Bakari Sellers emphasizes how leadership can bolster the fight against health inequity, and the need for politicians to leverage personal narratives over macro data to draw attention to important issues.

University of Michigan Speaker Series – “In this empowering episode of the ‘Ahead of the Curve’ Speaker Series by University of Michigan, Dean DuBois Bowman and renowned civil rights activist, author, and lawyer Bakari Sellers deep dive into Sellers’ impactful journey packed with resilience, ambition, and public service.

Sellers recalls his childhood memories growing up in South Carolina in an activism-rich family and his trailblazing entrance into politics as the youngest member of the South Carolina State Legislature at just 22. He expresses his unyielding commitment towards progressive policies that aim at addressing entrenched issues such as education, poverty, and domestic violence. Sellers shares the invaluable lessons he learned from his family’s traumatic healthcare experiences including his wife’s childbirth complications and his daughter’s liver transplant, which in turn strengthened his resolve to eradicate healthcare disparity.

He emphasizes how leadership can bolster the fight against health inequity, and the need for politicians to leverage personal narratives over macro data to draw attention to important issues. He emphasizes mental health within the Black community, his bold stance on police violence, calling for significant policy and societal changes, and his unwavering dedication towards the battle against miseducation and anti-intellectualism.”