Together we can make a difference. This is not a year for Democrats and our unaffiliated supporters to be idle.”

Coming Together to Win in November!

When Democrats come together as neighborhoods and areas to prepare and work for winning elections, the process is called “precinct organizing” and in 2024 it’s time to remember – Don’t Agonize…Organize!

If YOU want to join efforts to elect Democrats on the local, state, and national level register voters, one of the more informative ways to start is with your neighborhood precinct. Whether supporting each other, passing out campaign literature, educating neighbors and friends, meeting the candidates, texting about early voting, etc. — TOGETHER we GET OUT THE VOTE and elect Democrats!

All local precincts are scheduled to meet and organize by Saturday, February 17. Don’t miss your first neighborhood precinct meeting of 2024. Learn how to help out in small and large ways by becoming active in your local precinct.

You may already know your precinct chair—Contact them and offer to attend!

If you don’t know your precinct or your leader, email your name, and phone # to county Chair Geoffrey Hoy at [email protected] and I will be in touch and we will connect you to the winning team in your area.

Let’s Come Together to Win in November!

Geoffrey Hoy, Rowan County Democratic Party Chair