Justin Parmenter spoke at an earlier RCDP breakfast about the state of education in NC. Learn more about the reality of the new voucher system in NC from Parmenter as Republicans continue to pull support from public schools.

Excerpt: “Prior to the change in law, vouchers were only available for families who demonstrated financial need and whose children had attended public schools or were entering K, 1st or 2nd grade. The new law allows anyone to receive voucher money regardless of their family’s income and regardless of where they’ve gone to school.

That means taxpayers are now forced to subsidize private school tuition for North Carolina’s wealthiest families, even those who have never considered sending their children to traditional public schools and never would.”

Read more about the effect of vouchers on public schools from Justin Parameter at: https://notesfromthechalkboard.com/2024/01/27/nc-superintendent-truitt-once-vowed-to-oppose-voucher-expansion-now-publicly-celebrates-their-tripling/ We also hope you’ll watch the July 2023 breakfast with guest speaker Parmenter. https://youtu.be/qkmKgiXuEFI?si=gV9A_Jvq4mcMfEKb