Heather Cox Richardson’s words sum it up, “…it is you who are helping to model what we so desperately need in America.” We must all do something as 2023 ends and 2024 begins.

What are you doing as 2023 draws to a close to defend our democracy? What’s your plan for 2024? Organizations and candidates who support your values are one place to start. Whether by volunteering in small ways or large or making a donation in an amount you can afford, every small action is one more step toward saving this democratic republic experience that continues to evolve.

Make a plan as 2023 closes and 2024 begins. Together, we can create positive change.

The local Rowan County Democratic Party often asks you to donate through ActBlue. If a monetary donation is part of your plan, find RCDP and other organizations and candidates you support at: https://secure.actblue.com/

“Above all, it is you who are helping to model what we so desperately need in America: a respectful community based in facts, rather than in anger and partisanship, a community that can defend our democracy and carry it into a new era.” Heather Cox Richardson