With billions of dollars in our state’s bank account, we have the money to fully fund the Leandro Plan without raising taxes.

As children across North Carolina start back to school, another year begins without a sound basic education for many of  our students. This week marks the one-year anniversary of the most recent Leandro v State of North Carolina case which began in 1994.  In this recent case, the State Supreme Court ordered the NCGA to fund the Leandro Comprehensive Remedial Plan. And yet, the NC General Assembly still refuses to fund a sound, basic education for our children, S guaranteed in our state constitution!

Here is how the release of these funds would impact the Rowan -Salisbury School System: By 2028, $48.8 million would be provided for k-12 public education, a 39% budget increase.

This funding could provide 105 more teacher assistants; 7 community school organizers; 136 more nurses, counselors, psychologists, and social workers; 140% increase in funding for textbooks and instructional materials; and $1,262 per teacher for professional development.

With billions of dollars in our state’s bank account, we have the money to fully fund the Leandro Plan without raising taxes.

It is morally unacceptable that since 1994, our state has refused to make the minimum investments in our schools.

I call on Senator Berger and Speaker Moore to release the Leandro Funds and give our children the sound, basic education they deserve.

Diane Labovitz