“As Republican leaders dilly-dally about the extent of another round of tax-cuts for the wealthy,… they are totally ignoring the needs of our children in public schools.”

Kudos to the many religious and civic groups that held school supply drives, and to the teachers who always dig into their own wallets, to be sure our kids have what they need in the classroom. However our State Legislature deserves an “F” for its failure to fund a sound basic education for our children as mandated in our N.C. State Constitution and ordered by the N.C. Supreme Court in its ruling a year ago to fully fund the Leandro Comprehensive Remedial Plan.

As Republican leaders dilly-dally about the extent of another round of tax-cuts for the wealthy, a massive expansion of the private school voucher program, and even try to expand private casinos in the state without public discussion, they are totally ignoring the needs of our children in public schools.

According to Every Child N.C., under the Leandro Plan, $48.8 million would come into the Rowan-Salisbury Schools, providing for 105 more teacher assistants (K-12), $1,262 per teacher for professional development, 136 more nurses, psychologist, counselors and social workers, 7 community school coordinators and a 140% increase in funds for books, supplies and instructional materials. An additional $13.9 million would fund Early Education (birth-age 5) for Pre-K, smart Start and Infant-Toddler programs. (Source: https://everychildnc.org/)

With billions of dollars in the State’s bank account, we have the money to fully fund the Leandro plan without raising taxes. To ignore Leandro is a failure of political will. I call on Senate Majority Leader Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore to release the Leandro Funds and give our children the sound basic education they deserve. You have the money. Cut the check now!

Eileen Hanson-Kelly