The #UniteNC Town Hall comes to Salisbury in Rowan County on Thursday, August 17, starting at 6:30 pm at Mission House. Bring your questions and concerns.

Common Cause North Carolina is hitting the road for a #UniteNC town hall roadshow tour to build political education, relationships, and outrage in response to the “long train of abuses” from the NC General Assembly. Focused on key issues like the budget, healthcare (including reproductive justice & bodily autonomy), the environment, and public education — tied together by threats to our democracy — we’ll be educating our people, building our base, and insisting state lawmakers attend so they can answer to North Carolinians.

The entire Rowan County delegation to the NCGA is invited to this event, but we have not heard back from them yet. If they do not attend, we are still providing a space for people to speak their mind and learn more about the issues — and we will be delivering their messages to lawmakers through every communication channel we have.

Each #UniteNC town hall will focus on:

1) Educating people about what happened in the General Assembly this year, and how changes in the law will impact our lives.

2) Giving people the opportunity to share their perspectives on the issues and ask questions.

3) Providing an opportunity for people interested in civic engagement to get involved.

Bring your concerns and questions. Let your lawmakers know what you think! Refreshments will be provided and kids are welcome. 

Your RSVP to helps the organization plan seating and refreshments. This event will take place on Thursday, Aug. 17 at 6:30 pm at Mission House, 120 Statesville Blvd., Salisbury, NC, across from College Barbecue.

#UniteNC Tour