Pat Safrit Bullard – “And how many far right extremists are among local officials and in the Republican controlled NC General Assembly?.”  

Keep calling out lies and conspiracy theories. I wholeheartedly support Lewellen and Clyde Padgett’s “Call out lies and conspiracy theories” (Jan. 8). The former guy, twice impeached, continually told lies and his big lie is so implanted in the extreme far right and all of that keeps the U.S. democratic republic in continued peril.  Not only are that many far right extremists election deniers in the US Congress, have you considered how many from the N.C. delegation fall into that category, including  former Rep. Ted Budd, now elected to the US Senate? And how many far right extremists are among local officials and in the Republican controlled NC General Assembly? 

The recent debacle in the U.S. House when it took so many votes and ridiculous promises to elect a Speaker of the House illustrates they cannot govern and are only interested in controlling power and are extremely anti-democracy. Speak out often against their lies, conspiracy theories and destruction. May God help and protect the USA.  

Pat Safrit Bullard