Pat Safrit Bullard, “After the midyear election clouds were clearing I spoke out to say, Dems bit the bullet and it was not the red wave expected. While that is true, it is also more and more clear that what lies ahead is a battle royal for the soul of US democracy.”

After the midyear election clouds were clearing I spoke out to say, “Dems bit the bullet and it was not the red wave expected.” While that is true, it is also more and more clear that what lies ahead is a battle royal for the soul of US democracy.   

Why did NC go so badly when other states won the day? Other states did a better job of getting out the young voters and women. I heard one analyst surmise that states that still have access to abortion failed to adequately challenge those voters because we still have access to abortion. But, folks, NC’s access to safe and legal abortion will be most seriously threatened.

The NC General Assembly is more red than before and they now control the courts to be on their side.

And as I listen to various news accounts I am alarmed  by what I hear. NC is sandwiched between Virginia, where the Governor has given the education of children over to those who ban books and CRT, ‘tho that is not even a real thing. School boards are controlled by those crazies. And on the bottom side, South Carolina is ready to jail doctors with its stringent anti-abortion law.

Too many of the crazy GOP were re-elected, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, etc. and with their narrow majority and Kevin McCarthy, they are talking about their investigative agenda. We saw what they tried to do with Benghazi and shutting down the government before, and that kind of roadblock in Congress is being promised again.

And the gun violence is more than out of control. And the GOP campaigned on crime when they are the major perpetrators. 600 and counting, the number of mass shootings already this year in the US, far more than any other country. 

Gerrymandering in far too many states has a strangle-hold. As for me, I support and give what I can to groups like President Obama’s group fighting against gerrymandering, Common Cause in NC, ACLU, Center for Reproductive Rights, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, etc.  

Get involved and fight with all your might. The next election cycle has already begun. The fight to save our freedoms, to save the US democracy that is a Constitutional Republic, must be saved, and there are still far too many evil forces out there ready to end it all. Even if they did not have the former guy twice impeached at the helm, their forces are strong, evil, hateful, racist, violent and armed with conspiracy theories and lies galore.

Governor Roy Cooper is a good guy but we have to fight to support him and to keep him around and get rid of so many of those bad guys.    

Fight like you have never fought before……

Pat Safrit Bullard