George El-Khoure, “Are you ready for this new Republican Party of chaos and extremism to change whether or not you receive the money you have paid into your entire working life? I’m not. As a veteran, I earned my Veteran Benefits and so have others who served their country or spent their working life paying into Social Security.” 

If Republicans take back the Senate they plan to change everything we know about Social Security, Medicare, Veteran’s benefits and other programs working folks depend upon and have earned. As a veteran and retired person, I’m looking carefully at who I vote for and send to Washington. 

On Tuesday, President Biden read directly from Republican Senator Rick Scott’s proposal that all federal legislation sunsets (goes away) after 5 years unless Congress votes to reauthorize it. Republican Senator Ron Johnson goes further and thinks a decision should be made every year as to whether these programs stay or go away entirely. Meanwhile Mitch McConnell indicated in Dec. 2021 that Republican policy discussions could wait until AFTER the 2022 election and that the party’s only focus for electing candidates in 2022 would be to attack Democrats. 

Democrats aren’t planning to do away with these benefits. Democrats believe in helping people and have shown so by legislating programs to cap the cost of medication at $2,000 a year and Medicare insulin costs at $35.00 a month. Republicans are ready to repeal these measures if they take the Senate.  

Are you ready for this new Republican Party of chaos and extremism to change whether or not you receive the money you have paid into your entire working life? I’m not. As a veteran, I earned my Veteran Benefits and so have others who served their country or spent their working life paying into Social Security. 

Support candidates in 2022 who will support you when you elect them by actually legislating in favor of working people. Elect Cheri Beasley as our next US Senator along with Rowan native and resident Scott Huffman, a fellow veteran, to Congress. Your income may depend upon their representation.

George El-Khouri