Pat Safrit Bullard: ‘Last year we watched SCOTUS overturn the Roe decision, allow public money to support religious schools, overturn EPA structure for clean water, and weaken a state’s gun safety law. All of this with how many justices appointed for lifetime terms by presidents who did not receive the most popular vote.” 

The Supreme Court of the US is like no other court in the world with lifetime appointments and no censure means. Is there no way to censure Justice Thomas, who did not recuse himself on a decision with implications for his wife’s participation in Jan. 6?

A severe backslide for SCOTUS started in 2010 with the Citizens United Case, the decision which gave corporations, etc. the right to contribute to campaign the dirty money we now see “buying elections.” And the Voting Rights Act of 1965 finally put into effect the 15th Amendment 95 years earlier to give Blacks a fair chance to vote. The key provision was struck down by SCOTUS in 2013 and is now continually being attacked negatively by SCOTUS, including severe gerrymandering. Two cases in front of the court now, including one from NC, could be the final straw to allow gerrymandering with states determining the outcome, allowing GOP controlled states to control elections forever.

Last year we watched SCOTUS overturn the Roe decision, allow public money to support religious schools, overturn EPA structure for clean water, and weaken a state’s gun safety law. All of this with how many justices appointed for lifetime terms by presidents who did not receive the most popular vote. As SCOTUS begins a new term, will decisions further move against free and fair elections, support of the U.S. democratic republic and removal of our freedoms?

Pat Bullard