Keith Townsend,  “…147 Republican house members refused to certify the 2020 presidential election. Every single one of them knew the truth but was afraid to protect it. Ted Budd was among their number. This has to be the most spectacular display of political cowardice in our nation’s history.’

Exactly one hundred years ago this month Benito Mussolini marched on Rome, accompanied by street fighting thugs known as the Black Shirts. Mussolini overthrew the Italian government using a combination of violence and intimidation, thus becoming the first fascist dictator. Unfortunately he would not be the last.

All fascist movements have certain characteristics in common, such as aggressive nationalism, the persecution of others, and especially an absolute disdain for democracy. Fascism is now re-emerging across Europe and other parts of the world.

Meanwhile, in the United States, all of our democratic institutions are under assault. In the early pre-dawn hours of January 7, 2021, one hundred forty-seven Republican house members refused to certify the 2020 presidential election. Every single one of them knew the truth but was afraid to protect it. Ted Budd was among their number. This has to be the most spectacular display of political cowardice in our nation’s history.

The facts concerning the election results were clear and had been for weeks. President Biden’s popular vote margin was 7,306,232. He received 306 electoral votes, which ironically was exactly the same number that Trump accumulated in 2016. Our ex-president immediately declared his victory to be an electoral landslide.

Next month’s mid-term election results will be determined by a number of issues, including the Supreme Court’s decision to ban abortion and inflation. Perhaps this year we should consider the sacrifices made for us by our parents and grandparents. During World War II hundreds of thousands of Americans died to protect our democracy in order to ensure our freedom. What legacy will we leave for our children?

Keith Townsend