Don’t miss hearing from 3 Rowan-Salisbury School Board Candidates who attended the RCDP Fun Fest at Sloan Park last month.

Voters can choose one candidate from each of the 5 RSS School Board Areas on the ballot this fall – North (seat 1), South (Seat 2), West (seat 4), Special (seat 6), and Southeast (seat 7) – a total of five votes for five seats.

Because of the local MAGA Republican push to politicize our children and our public education system by pushing School Board candidates to embrace an allegiance to the current right-wing cultural wars of misinformation and disinformation, the 2022 School Board races are critical to maintaining the rights of teachers to teach the NC state curriculum they are professionally prepared to teach and to also protect the rights of all children to learn in a public education setting.

Since many local candidates may not be well known by voters throughout Rowan County, we need to be prepared to talk to friends and family about those candidates that will best represent public schools and our children. Start your decision process by listening to these 3 candidates talk about their passion – EDUCATION.

For more information about all candidates endorsed by the RCDP, find it here: