Evelyn Uddin-Khan – “What happens on November 8, 2022 could have serious repercussions for future elections, especially the 2024 Elections.”

We have a very important Midterm Election coming up in November!

What happens on November 8, 2022 could have serious repercussions for future elections, especially the 2024 Elections.

Let’s look back at the 2020 Elections in Arizona – one of many states – where #45 and the Republican stooges cried fraud and tried to overturn the election results.

A man – Republican – of strong character, principles and integrity stood up to the corrupt president, his legal team and cronies and said no there was no fraud in Arizona’s election.

That man, Rusty Bowers, paid for his honesty and defense of democracy. He was the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representative and lost his bid for reelection when

#45 and his vile supporters endorsed a low life like themselves for his seat.

Mr. Bowers paid for his principles and integrity when he stood up for the Constitution of the US, for fair and free elections, and for saying no to bully Trump and his pack of rubber balls.

In an interview (The Week, Sept. 9) Mr. Bower used the word “totalitarianism”. When lunatics like Trump and friends start “fixing” elections to stay in power, that is one party rule, and it is the end of democracy.

What are we, the voters, doing to save our very hard earned right to vote? To keep democracy alive? This is not party politics, this is the future of America, and the future of our kids.

One party rule is TOTALITARIANISM!

Evelyn Uddin-Khan