Evelyn Uddin-Khan – “We need people to work for us. Not people who grovel at the feet of a loser.”

Dear Voters:

Are these the candidates you want to represent you in Congress? In governor’s mansions?

Let’s take a look at the moral and ethical qualities of some of the Republican Extremists hoping to win seats in Congress.

  • Georgia: Hershel Walker – endorsed by #45 for senate. He claims to be a college graduate – false. An FBI agent – false. He has three children out of wed-lock with whom he has no contact.
  • Missouri: Eric Greitens – accused sexual predator, who plans to shoot RINO members of the GOP. #45 endorsed him.
  • Ohio: J D Vance – accused President Biden of various crimes – he claimed the President wanted to get even with red states.
  • Pennsylvania: Dr. Oz – doctor or salesman? Liar or BS maker? (Senate)
  • Pennsylvania: Doug Mastriano – Christian Nationalist – attended #45 “Stop the Steal” rally of January 6th. (Governor)
  • Arizona: Blake Masters – he blames US gun violence on Black people.
  • Arizona: David Fansworth – involved in smear campaign with help and blessings from #45 against Rusty Bowers, Speaker of Arizona’s House of Representative.
  • Maryland: Dan Cox – Christian Nationalist – attended #45 “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th. (Governor)
  • North Carolina: Ted Budd – gun salesman and gun range trainer. (Senate)

(These are a few of the losers who want to take charge of the United States of America.)

Come on Voters, we can do better than this. Are these the caliber of people we want in Congress?

We need people to work for us. Not people who grovel at the feet of a loser.

We need role models. We need future leaders – not ass kissers who crave power and will sell their souls to get it.

Let’s vote for principle, integrity, ethics, let’s vote for people with character.

Evelyn Uddin-Khan