Hope in the midst of adversity is sometimes all we have to hold in our hearts and propel us to action. A 7th grader from Gaston County, with family ties in Rowan and Newfoundland, reminds us that “in one of the darkest hours, it shows that humanity prevails.” Whether currently or through a historical lens, our children are watching.

On September 11th, 2001, terrorists attacked America. The FAA closed airspace and made planes land at the nearest airport. Thirty-eight planes and 6,500 passengers were directed to Gander, Newfoundland (half the population of the town). Gander took in strangers and treated them like family. They fed them, let them sleep in their homes, and helped them. This shows hope because in one of the darkest hours humanity prevails. It didn’t matter the color of your skin, where you came from, or who you loved. The people treated each other as one. On 9/11 the small village of Gander made a huge impact on many people’s lives. This event touches me since I have family ties in Newfoundland. 

Young Man in 7th Grade