Eileen Hanson-Kelly – “People in our state are dying because they don’t have access to medical care. This is the human cost of “leaders” not doing their job. By accepting Medicaid expansion, over 600,000 North Carolinians could have better health outcomes. Thirty-nine states have already expanded Medicaid, including many Republican-led States. This should not be a partisan issue, it is a human rights issue.”

People are dying in our state while leaders in Raleigh drag their feet on expanding Medicaid coverage. Both State Senate Leader Phil Berger and State Speaker Tim Moore have announced their enthusiastic support for Medicaid Expansion, and yet we still don’t have a deal. Meanwhile, our State is losing out on $6 Billion in new federal funding in the next fiscal year that could not only save lives, but save jobs and expand health care services in rural areas that need it most, according to the N.C. Justice Center.

I believe it is morally unacceptable to refuse billions of dollars to make this critical investment in the people of North Carolina. People in our state are dying because they don’t have access to medical care. This is the human cost of “leaders” not doing their job. By accepting Medicaid expansion, over 600,000 North Carolinians could have better health outcomes. Thirty-nine states have already expanded Medicaid, including many Republican-led States. This should not be a partisan issue, it is a human rights issue.

Medicaid expansion saves lives. According to the Kaiser Family foundation, it increases early detection of cancer, heart disease and other life-threatening diseases. North Carolinians have waited long enough. The time to do this is now, not months from now. It’s time for the Legislature to stop dragging their feet and to vote YES on Medicaid Expansion to save the lives of North Carolinians.

Eileen Hanson-Kelly