Roger Hull, “As a pro-life humanist, I believe every pregnancy should result in a birth. Of course, there may be exceptions as determined by the parent(s), doctors, chaplains, and others as appropriate. These exceptions may involve such things as risk to the mother or the viability of the child after the birth.”

As a pro-life humanist, I believe every pregnancy should result in a birth. Of course, there may be exceptions as determined by the parent(s), doctors, chaplains, and others as appropriate. These exceptions may involve such things as risk to the mother or the viability of the child after the birth. 

I do need to differentiate between pro-life and anti-abortion so there is no confusion about what those words mean to me. To clarify, Texas makes a lot of noise about its pro-life position. However, Texas is the No. 1 state when it comes to executions, hardly what I would call a pro-life position. 

A pro-life position involves more than the birth. It also includes ensuring that the child receives the same health care, the same nutrition, and the same education as the child of at least middle-class families for the next 18 to 25 years. Anti-abortionists often ignore the child after the birth. Politicians usually limit or eliminate things like child tax credits and Medicaid expansion. Crisis pregnancy centers usually only help for a limited time. 

Heaven forbid that our taxes should be increased to support a child that the anti-abortionists work so hard to ensure is born. 

It is unlikely that I would be a candidate for becoming an adoptive parent or even a foster parent. However, I can certainly become a foster grandparent and/or donate to organizations that try to help these children. 

I hope those who read this will embrace pro-life and not simply anti-abortion. 

Roger Hull