“Many will think LIFE has won. But what has truly won is a cynical right-wing authoritarian political strategy. This strategy that co-opted the anti-abortion movement is today’s victor.  A politics of death has won the day.” Pastor Anthony Smith

Liberal democracy is easier to upend than an authoritarian society. I suspect we are about to enter into a multi-generational battle to recover democracy. 

The recent decisions by SCOTUS and the January 6 hearings should serve as the release of more canaries that portend an authoritarian American social order.

We went to sleep. We are asleep. 

To my pro-life friends that celebrate today.  As one who holds to a more consistent ethic of life (I oppose war, death penalty, environmental degradation, systemic racism and poverty) I must say that this victory is truly pyrrhic, symbolic. 

Many will think LIFE has won. But what has truly won is a cynical right-wing authoritarian political strategy. This strategy that co-opted the anti-abortion movement is today’s victor. A politics of death has won the day.

The cost will be great.

All of these political moves are being done within the context of a growing authoritarianism in local, to state to federal government.

I hope I’m wrong but today I lament the authoritarian shift of the world’s sole superpower. 

“Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.” – Thomas Jefferson

Pastor Anthony Smith