As Evelyn Uddin-Khan writes, “There was a time in history when the Grand Old Party stood for the values of the working class. That is no longer true.” 

We must not ignore the current Republican Party’s renewed discussion of ending programs they now call entitlements, things like Social Security and Medicare.

To be a Republican candidate for any public office, all you need to do is scream guns, guns, guns. Abortion is a sin. This is a White Christian country and you are elected. Any office, from local sheriff to the White House – no qualifications needed, just a good screaming voice.

It seems as if some voters love the mindless, spineless, empty heads, hearts and souls of these candidates. Any hyena (sorry hyena – I meant Republican candidates) can put on a suit, yell pro this, pro that, and get elected.

There was a time in history when the Grand Old Party stood for the values of the working class. That is no longer true.

It is time for all voters to ask the candidates running for office what they believe in. What are you going to do for me in Congress?

And people – voters – it is time to dump pro-life, pro-gun candidates and choose people who care about your problems – your health care, your child care, your right to live in a safe country.

Republican voters, ask yourselves if pro-gun is going to put food on your table, home care for your elderly family members?

Can’t you see that the Republican candidates filling up Congress do not care two beans about you? They are mindless, spineless, bigots who only care about being in power and filling their pockets.

Republican voters, it is in your hands to vote them out and save your country. Save Democracy now, or you may not vote next year!

Evelyn Uddin-Khan