Voters Speak invites current candidates to view our Throwback Thursday of Keith Townsend’s 2020 video example and share important aspects of their campaign platform with voters through video in our weekly digest. Details follow. Keith explains why his life experience made racial equity a priority on his list of campaign promises. 

This week we include a Throwback Thursday video from the 2020 general election. NOTE: Keith Townsend is NOT a candidate in 2022. Keith’s message, part of his 2020 campaign platform, is offered as an example of the type of message Voters Speak Digest hopes to amplify to our readers. Our goal is to provide voters with a better sense of the candidates who hope to represent them. These submissions are meant to be a vehicle for deeper conversations, not short campaign ads. 

Voters Speak invites submissions from registered Democratic candidates who are running for office in 2022 and appear on Rowan County ballots. Submissions must follow specific video guidelines for candidates and general submission rules. We will share a maximum of one video each week from any one candidate. As a volunteer organization, we will post as promptly as possible. Voters Speak is published on the Rowan County website weekly.  

Any video submissions from candidates who are running for offices that appear on Rowan County ballots are allowed with these specific guidelines:

Candidate Video Submissions for Voters Speak 

  • Candidate videos for Voters Speak are meant to be a vehicle for deeper conversations, not short campaign ads.
  • Candidate videos published by Voters Speak need to educate and inform voters with specifics of what a candidate hopes to accomplish in office or why they believe the incumbent needs to be replaced.
  • Candidates may not request donations on these videos. 
  • Candidates may include a link to their website and/or social media pages. 
  • Do not include any copyrighted material in your video, including music or images. 
  • The technical quality of the video must have clear images and decent sound quality. 
  • Video should be filmed in Landscape mode (horizontally). 
  • Videos should be in one of the major formats, such as .mp4, .avi, or .mov
  • Maximum length of approximately 7 minutes.
  • Videos must include the legally required political legend. 
  • Videos will be uploaded and hosted on the Rowan Democrats’ YouTube channel and may be edited as necessary.
  • Candidate videos should follow the spirit of the General Submission Guidelines for Voters Speak 

Keith Townsend