With Trump 2025 it’s more important than ever to personally contact your state and national representatives. There are many organizations available to help you find your elected officials, to identify issues of concern, and some also provide a suggested script. To get you started, here are 3 choices to try as you put democracy into action!
OPTION 1 – 5 Calls is a free app you download onto your phone and has been recommended by the NC Democratic Party. https://5calls.org/
OPTION 2 – Every Call Counts and is available through Mobilize, and suggested by Charlotte Indivisible. https://www.mobilize.us/indivisiblecharlottenc/event/744890/
Option 3 – Document – A local concerned citizen with expertise in the field of budget and management has created two weeks of calls.
Messages for 5 Calls a Day for Five Days a Week- Week 1
Feel free to tailor each message based on your interests.
NC State Legislators
Monday- The state revenue forecast projects that in Fiscal Year 2026 revenues will grow only .5% and in Fiscal Year 2027 they will decline by 2.4%. North Carolina’s needs are growing. I am concerned that we cannot support a growing budget, taking these revenue forecasts into account?
Tuesday-With projected revenue growth low and declining, how can lawmakers provide the pay raises needed for the state to fill vacancies? How can you ensure dignified and competitive pay for NC’s teachers and childcare workers? North Carolina cannot provide for growth and an NC Living Wage with these anticipated declines in revenue.
Wednesday-North Carolina’s tax code used to raise revenue more equitably. If the legislature were still collecting revenue at our all-time peak of Fiscal Year 1995, we would have billions more in public money available to address long-neglected needs and help North Carolina’s families thrive. We need more revenue. Do not cut the NC Corporate tax.
Thursday- The legislature’s “tax trigger” program is not providing the fiscal safeguard that legislative leaders promised. The forecasted increase of .5% will trigger a .5% reduction in the personal income tax rate to 3.49% in 2027. Allowing this trigger will be irresponsible in the context of continued inflation and a likely shift of federal costs onto state government. I am against any triggering of further income tax cuts.
Friday-Since our tax code is not raising the money we need to fund our priorities; will you vote to pause the scheduled income tax cuts for corporations and the super-rich next year? Please make sure that the needs of regular North Carolinians come before special and wealthy interests.
National Legislators
Monday- I am Against tax cuts for the top 1 percent! These cuts will cost over $1.1 Trillion over 10 years, roughly matching the proposed cuts for health coverage under Medicaid and food assistance under SNAP.
Tuesday- The proposed tax cuts for the top 1 percent are a blatant betrayal of promises to lower costs and support families struggling to make ends meet. I am against these tax cuts for the top 1%.
Wednesday- Our federal legislators are missing an opportunity to create an economy for all rather than those rigged for billionaires and powerful interests.
Thursday- The House budget plan will shift massive costs onto our state and local communities. These are costs that North Carolina cannot afford. I am against the proposed budget.
Friday- The House Republican budget will lead to higher food costs, more uninsured families, increased poverty and hardship, and mounting debt. I am against the House Republican Budget.
Messages for 5 Calls a Day for Five Days a Week- Week 2
Feel free to tailor each message based on your interests.
NC State Legislators
Monday- North Carolina finances are under pressure from the Federal level, yet legislators are poised to eliminate the corporate income tax by 2030. Each year of reductions in the corporate tax hurts all NC citizens. Stop reducing the corporate income tax.
Tuesday-Western North Carolina’s Needs are tremendous. Between rescue and recovery is a window where folks need to be fed and have transportation. Don’t let our neighbors in Western, NC, down. Send more money to support the folks who need to eat and are working their way toward recovery.
Wednesday- NC’s Scholarship Opportunities are neither based on Scholarship or an opportunity. These NC public dollars were given directly to private schools across the state. Students did not apply, they did not earn these dollars. No more public dollars should be given to private schools.
Thursday—A state Earned Income Tax Credit would put an average of $600 a year in the pockets of state taxpayers. 98% of this program would go to households with incomes less than $84,000. Support regular North Carolinians, not wealthy ones.
Friday-Reduce wait times at DMV offices. Fund the DMV’s budget request to hire additional license examiners. The cost is $1.8 million and easily affordable if legislators reject the corporate tax cuts that will decrease our state revenue by $13 billion dollars.
National Legislators
Monday- Keep income taxes for the top 1% and reject the proposed cuts for health coverage under Medicaid and food assistance under SNAP. We must support ALL Americans.
Tuesday- The blanket firing of National Park employees as we move into summer is ridiculous. Who will open our national parks each day? Who will protect our national assets? Business owners thoroughly review employee roles before downsizing. Bring back our Federal Park employees!
Wednesday- Create an economy for all rather than an economy that benefits billionaires. North Carolinians need support rather than pressure to work another job to survive.
Thursday- Refugee Resettlement was a great example of a public/private partnership. Trump and Musk destroyed this partnership and the trust we created with world citizens who need our help. We must resume this program and care for those we have promised support.
Friday- Federal legislative efforts and Executive Orders threaten senior citizens, children, caregivers who do not earn a living wage, differently abled children and adults. As Americans, these are among the folks who need help and support. I disagree with cuts to any program that supports these Americans.
Rowan County covers House Districts #76, Harry Warren; #77, Julia Howard; #83, Grant Campbell. Carl Ford’s Senate seat #33 covers all of Rowan County. Find your NC House and Senate Districts here: https://www.ncleg.gov/FindYourLegislators
Find your NC General Assembly representatives here; https://www.ncleg.gov/Members/CountyRepresentation/Rowan
NC has two United States Senators: Senator Thom Tillis: (202) 224-6342 Senator Ted Budd: (202) 224-3154
Rowan County is in United States Congressional District #6. Contact Representative Addison McDowell: (202) 225-3065 – Find your Congressional Representative here: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative