5 Actions to take in response to the passage of SB 382 and how to join others in a concerted effort to sustain Governor Cooper’s veto. Not sure why you need to take action? Western NC deserves real relief, not political games. These are lives, not pawns. (information compiled form Democracy NC resources)
ACTION 1 – Help sustain Gov. Cooper’s veto of SB 382 by learning more about why this bill is a power grab, a legislative coupe. NC is a purple state and the current legislature should not try to steal power from the governor and other duly elected officials by silencing the vote of the people under the guise of a disaster relief bill. Read more here. https://www.motherjones.com/…/the-north-carolina-gop…/

ACTION 2 – Defend North Carolinians. Help sustain Gov. Cooper’s veto of SB 382 by contacting your legislators. NC is a purple state and the current legislature should not try to steal power from the governor and other duly elected officials by silencing the vote of the people under the guise of a disaster relief bill. This link will help you contact your representatives directly. You can use the provided script or personalize it. https://action.democracync.org/a/sb382
ACTION 3 – Encourage others to take action by sharing links and information. Learn why SB 382 is considered a political coup against the vote of the people of NC. Call this out. Help sustain Gov. Cooper’s veto of SB 382 by contacting your representatives or showing up in Raleigh. https://ncnewsline.com/…/advocates-condemn…/…

ACTION 4 – Say thank you to the representatives below and encourage them to sustain the veto of SB 382. NC voters spoke in 2024. NC is a purple state. Protect our vote. Read more at: https://carolinapublicpress.org/…/legislators-slide…/

ACTION 5 – Listen to people from across NC explain how SB 382 is a power grab and not the disaster relief plan the majority in Raleigh is pretending that it is. If you aren’t outraged about this political coup, this press conference might change your mind.