Please share with friends, family, and those leaning BLUE in 2024! Don’t dismiss that moderate Republicans might have ears ready for a conversation. After all, former Vice President Pence won’t endorse Trump and General Kelly, Trump’s former Chief of Staff, says that #45 is a Fascist.
Early Voting ends Saturday, Nov. 2nd, at 3:00 pm. You may register and vote during Early Voting. You may vote at any of the 5 Early Voting sites in Rowan County.
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5th, from 6:30 am – 7:30 pm. On Election Day you must vote at the precinct that is assigned to your address. You may not register on Election Day.
DON”T FORGET YOU ID! However, if you have any issues that you fear will keep you from voting, ask for a provisional ballot before leaving the voting site. Election Board staff will explain each voter’s right to a provisional ballot.