Knocking on doors during the election season and providing information is commonly known as canvassing. Laurel Gray Harry provides a first hand observation of the rewards. Join her and others as we Get Out the Vote and provide information to Rowan residents. Training is provided.

When I was canvassing several weeks ago I met a couple who were Trump-leaning. After listening to their concerns (housing, inflation) we were able to present a counter narrative which they listened to neutrally.

The conversation SHIFTED when we got to teacher/coach/veteran/hunter Tim Walz and our LOCAL LADIES, specifically Tangela H. Morgan, Alissa Redmond, and Alisha Byrd-Clark. Taking about local women who have put in the work was powerful and compelling. By the time we left the porch they were enthusiastic.

We can’t forget that there are a lot of people who just don’t consume ANY political news. I also talked to a woman who thought Biden was still the nominee but Harris was simply doing all the campaigning for their ticket. Canvassers help clarify information and answer questions.

If you would like to join local neighbors and help with canvassing, consider giving it a try. It’s fun and rewarding when you can help voters get excited about participating in democracy.