Let’s send Dr. Alisha Byrd-Clark to Raleigh and keep the NC Democratic momentum moving things forward in Raleigh as well as nationally. It’s time to tell the Republican incumbent for District 76 that “We aren’t going back!” Don’t miss Byrd-Clark’s numerous endorsements. https://byrdclarkfornc.com

With a vision for a stronger, more resilient North Carolina built on shared values, I pledge to lead with integrity; I have had the opportunity to listen to and learn from residents throughout our community. Fueled by a passion for public service, I believe in the transformative power of collaboration, innovation, and empathy. 

As your candidate, I am dedicated to addressing the issues that matter most to you—spanning education, sustainable development, teachers’ pay, and women’s rights, from local neighborhood concerns to broader societal issues. This campaign serves as a call to action – an invitation to craft policies that genuinely reflect the needs of every individual. This campaign is about building bridges, not walls, fostering relationships, and ensuring everyone is seen, heard, and empowered to thrive. 

This campaign is a collective effort, not just mine; it belongs to everyone who calls Rowan County home. I’m not merely seeking votes; I am seeking partnerships in progress. I recognize our community’s diverse fabric and the strengths of embracing our differences. 

Together, let’s transform challenges into opportunities and build a community that thrives on the strengths of its people—aiming to cultivate a culture of responsiveness, uplifting, and restoring hope to every corner of Rowan County. 

As we chart a course toward a more united, resilient, and prosperous community, I invite you to join me on this transformative quest to build a campaign resonating with the heartbeat of District 76; together, let’s write a new chapter of shared success and create a legacy that we can all be proud of for generations to come.

Dr. Alisha Byrd-Clark