NOTE: The September 14th breakfast starts earlier than in previous months and is catered so you don’t need to bring a dish. Doors open at 9:30 am. Breakfast will be served at 9:40 and the televised forum will begin promptly at 10:00. This is an important forum for an important office and you won’t want to miss it. LOCATION: Rowan Democratic Party Headquarters, 1504 W. Innes St. Salisbury, NC 28144. Keep reading.

Rowan County Democrats cordially invite Democrats, registered Unaffiliated voters and others who find 2024 the year to Vote Blue to join us on Saturday, September 14, for a free catered breakfast and a community viewing of the televised NC Superintendent of Public Instruction Forum featuring Democratic candidate Mo Green and his opponent, Michele Morrow. This event and breakfast are free. As always, donations are gratefully accepted.  

NOTE: The September 14th breakfast starts earlier than in previous months and is catered so you don’t need to bring a dish. Doors open at 9:30 am. Breakfast will be served at 9:40 and the televised forum will begin promptly at 10:00. This is an important forum for an important office and you won’t want to miss it. 

Local Democrats will be listening to learn more from Mo Green as he demonstrates why he is the qualified candidate in both expertise and character to lead our NC public school system. The Republican opponent is surrounded by controversy due to her words and actions and lack of experience in public schools. 

Following the forum, those who are interested will stay for training for Getting Out the Vote and are encouraged to help with a planned canvass of Democratic voters on Saturday afternoon at 1:30 pm. Knocking on doors connects us with our neighbors and by canvassing early, we gain time for conversations within our community about policy and values, time to get people registered and to check that their registration is up to date, and time to introduce Democratic candidates and the importance of voting and voting the entire ballot. Visit the events tab at: for the fall schedule for canvassing and phone banking. 

Democrats across NC are confirming that “We aren’t going back” and that “When we fight, we win!” Momentum is building among voters across the state. Join Rowan County Democrats and others who are putting country over party as we turn NC blue, one voter at a time. 

TIME: Doors open at 9:30 am, Breakfast served at 9:40 am and we sit down for the televised forum at 10:00 am. 

LOCATION: Rowan Democratic Party Headquarters, 1504 W. Innes St. Salisbury, NC 28144.