Rowan County Democrats are ready to turn NC Blue. Door-to-door canvassing and calling registered Democrats and registered Unaffiliated voters can raise voter turnout and, given how close the state and national elections are, can be the determining factor in Democratic wins. Those knocking on doors or making calls will meet at RCDP HQ, 1504 W. Innes St. Salisbury before heading out or making calls. (Note: we have a phone system set up at the office!) Dates follow or check out the Event Tab!
If we start knocking on doors and making calls in August and September, we gain time for conversations with our neighbors about policy and values, time to get people registered and check that their registration is up to date, and time to introduce Democratic candidates and the importance of voting and voting the entire ballot.
You won’t be alone and you won’t be un-trained. This is a group effort. Questions? Available? email [email protected]
Canvassing – Wednesday, Aug. 21, 6-8 PM
Canvassing – Saturday, Aug. 24, 10 AM
Phone Banking – Wednesday, Aug. 28, 5:30 PM
Canvassing – Wednesday, Aug. 28, 6-8 PM
Phone Banking – Saturday, Aug. 31, 9:30 AM
Canvassing – Saturday, Aug. 31, 10 AM
Phone Banking – Wednesday, Sept. 4, 5:30 PM
Canvassing – Saturday, Sept. 4, 6-8 PM
Canvassing – Saturday, Sept. 7, 1:30 PM
Phone Banking – Wednesday, Sept. 11, 5:30 PM
Canvassing – Wednesday, Sept. 11, 6-8 PM
Canvassing – Saturday, Sept. 14, 1:30 PM